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Conway formatted doc 4-28-2023.pdf
Digitized copy of a D.M. major project by Michele Richards Conway. 92 pages.

A Dissertation by Amy E. Dows, submitted to the Faculty in candidacy for the degree Doctor of Ministry. This project compares the expectations of churches providing intentional disability ministries with the expectations of members affected by…

DMin dissertation by Delia M. Fahnestock, May 2008. Electronic PDF document. 121 pages.

Digitized copy of a D.Min. major project by Sandra Ruth Fees. 114 pages.

Fields Celestine Dissertation Final 4-29-21.pdf
Digitized copy of a D.Min. major project by Celestine Fields. 92 pages.

Digitized copy of a D.Min. major project by Gary W. Filson. 179 pages.

Digitized copy of a D.Min. major project by Faith Dickens Fitzgerald. 122 pages.

Competency-Based Assessment for Ministerial Authorization in the UCC.pdf
Digitized copy of a D.Min. major project by Nora Driver Foust. 125 pages.

Digitized copy of a D.Min. major project by Jonette Gay. 88 pages.

Digitized copy of a D.Min. major project by Gene M. Gordon. 159 pages.
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