Sermon on Luke 7:18-30 by Dean David Mellott, delivered in Santee Chapel on December 9, 2015. Digital MP3 audio recording. Duration: 26 minutes, 51 seconds.
Sermon based on Acts 18:18-28 by master's student Mary Merriman delivered in Santee Chapel on March 26, 2022. Digital video recording (mp4). Duration: 19 minutes, 42 seconds.
Clergy sermon from 2004 GLBT Week at LTS by Susan Minasian, November 17, 2004. Based on Isaiah 65:17-25 and Luke 21:5-19. Digital audio recording (mp3). Duration:22 minutes.
Sermon based on Luke 4:21-30 by seminarian Gail Stallings Minor delivered in Lancaster Theological Seminary's virtual chapel service on February 2, 2022. Digital video recording (mp4). Duration: 19 minutes, 35 seconds.
Sermon based on Psalm 25:1-10, 16-17 by Shadrack Miyekelo delivered at the Lancaster Theological Seminary virtual chapel service held via Zoom on February 24, 2021. Digital video recording (mp4). Duration: 17 minutes, 47 seconds.
Sermon based on Micah 6:1-8 by Lancaster Theological Seminary student Carol Moore delivered in Santee Chapel on February 4, 2023. Digital video recording (mp4). Duration: 21 minutes 42 seconds.
Sermon preached on Psalm 139 by Kecia Munroe Virtual weekly chapel service held via Zoom on January 16, 2021. Digital video recording (mp4). Duration: 8 minutes 21 seconds.
Chapel sermon by Mindy Nolt, May 8, 2013. Based on John 5, the healing at the Pool of Bethsaida. Digital audio recording (mp3). Duration: 14 minutes, 26 seconds.